5:00 AM - The Day Began
I have an inbuilt alarm in my head and i just got up exactly at 5:01 realizing that I promised Donnie i would start at 5 ;) but of course i couldn't so I quickly took a shower packed by stuff took a bottle of water and the Journey began.
Destination : Madhugiri Fort near tumkur.
Distance : 110 kms from Koramangla 6th block.
Road : Very good NH4 except a patch of 2 kms (Super Bad).
I reached the petrol station opposite to the platinum city as I was suppose to pick up Donnie from there. While waiting I started cleaning the windscreen as the Wiper in my car isn't working :(. Anyways he showed pretty quick. We both were quite hungry and the McD which was adjacent to the petrol pump added fuel to the fire but at 6:50 AM they were certainly not open. So we finally started again at 7:00 AM sharp.
The road was great we were on NH4 which goes to Pune via Tumkur. All thanks to Google map. The weather was so great that Its absolutely impossible to express... I was windy, cloudy, drizzling at times and the greenery !!! The very view of the looong stretch of road where you don't get to see the end and all you are suppose to do is just drive !!!
Our huger made us stop and enter Kamat Upachar we had Idli wada dosa tea and coffee... and hopped on the road again ! On the way we had few stops here and there and guess what our love for the road made us skip the road which takes us to Madhugiri Thankfully we realized and took a U turn and got on the right track.
After we took the turn we were pretty much considering every mountain as Madhugiri until we saw a mountain which was so huge that half of it was covered by clouds and we could see some structures here and there and That was it Donnie started clicking and I pressed the accelerator.
Finally we were there. We took the Bag the tripod and the camera. The biggest mistake we did was we did not carry water with us (we realized the price of every drop of it)
Initially there was a paved way to walk on then began the stairs (which gave me a though of oh god again climbing ... how i wish what was awaiting ... then i would have thanked) after few steps the stairs went missing and all we found is some carved markings to place the feet.
Initially that seemed fun but later when we saw water flowing through them we got scared but thankfully there was a railing to hold and climb. We were taking rest at every 20 steps and calling it a good spot to capture in the camera while the actual reason was we needed to catch breath.
While we were doing all this we met a group of school children from a nearby village accompanied by 2 teachers and as my friend rightly mentioned they were descendants of Superman ! What energy man .... The climbed the entire mountain talking singing gossipping all the time and after reaching on top they danced sang ate their packed food from home in boxes and and climber down Happily !!! we both just stood AMAZED !
Well so on out way to climbing the stairs slowly disappeared and all what we found was a rod to cling on to and some markings made where we could step to climb ahead. After a certain steps we was so scary that we felt we were 60 degree inclined and leaning forward from where all u see is a steep FALL... I decided i will see one step at a time and march ahead.. anyways we crossed that and after sometime even the footstep marking were not there neither was there any rod to cling on to its just you and the Slope...
Finally when we reached on the top It was Just Beautiful !!!!
All mountains around and breezy.. with small puddles of water all over We were ON with the camera and our eyes trying to capture as much as we could. While we were doing all this one thing continuously haunted me was the fact that we would have to climb down all the way back in the same manner and that was just scary !!!
Oh by the way i forgot to mention while climbing my trousers tore off and It was HUGE tear... thankfully ppl were bothered about their life more than what was seen underneath my pants so i was fine..
So after sitting for quite sometime we felt it was time we face the fear and start climbing down I tied both my shoes to my waist and Donnie kept his in the bag and we started with out journey with an extra Fanta bottle which we couldn't throw considering we did not want to litter the place to it was in my T shirt. So me + empty fanta bottle and donnie + bag + the camera stand and guess what climbing down was actually easy. I certainly can not negate the fact that at times i was scared but not as scared as climbing Finally we got the steps and then the road and it was such a HUGE Relief..
We first rushed to drink water ... and it was Life we drank not water then we drank bindu and then we started our journey back to Bangalore. Road was cool as usual fully content eager to load pics on facebook and show the world. Talking about those kids and listening to Swades we were returning to the City.
and then we had a food stop at KFC and we had bucket chicken :) then returned to Donnie's place and started seeing the pics......
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